Squall Tower is a futuristic concept skyscraper that combines futuristic aesthetic with self-sustaining functionality. The word “Squall” refers to a sudden storm that comes along with sharp increase in wind speed, this tower is named in that context. This concept tower fuses form, function and elements to create a futuristic vertical wind turbine shaped building. So basically, not only this skyscraper emulates the same mechanism of a wind turbine to generate its own electricity, it also does that in stylish way. It looks like this building rotates along a central axis to power a turbine at its base to generate its power.
As the company says, Squall Tower is inspired by vertical wind turbines. There are three twisting masses held together by a central spine. Each of this spine’s branch holds a floor plate, a vertical connection between floors and bound to a rotating base. This means that this rotating tower allows occupants to enjoy changing views of beautiful Dubai skyline while generating its power.
Hayri Atak Architectural Design Studio explains that Squall Tower concept displays harmonious attitude in terms of its position and form. This tower rotates independently based on wind direction, this rotation helps to generate electricity for its own use. All this technical mechanism takes place in the main spine within the structure.